Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 11.543
NA - Nord America 8.569
AS - Asia 2.472
AF - Africa 154
SA - Sud America 118
Unknown Continent - ???statistics.table.value.continent.Unknown Continent??? 56
OC - Oceania 30
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 22.943
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.485
PL - Polonia 5.468
DE - Germania 2.262
IT - Italia 1.386
CN - Cina 827
IN - India 596
UA - Ucraina 551
RU - Federazione Russa 371
IE - Irlanda 324
SG - Singapore 278
GB - Regno Unito 201
VN - Vietnam 181
FR - Francia 171
SE - Svezia 170
KR - Corea 131
NL - Olanda 116
ID - Indonesia 113
FI - Finlandia 99
ES - Italia 61
CA - Canada 57
EU - Europa 54
CI - Costa d'Avorio 52
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 52
BR - Brasile 42
JP - Giappone 41
PT - Portogallo 39
TR - Turchia 36
TW - Taiwan 35
HK - Hong Kong 33
NO - Norvegia 31
RO - Romania 31
GR - Grecia 29
TH - Thailandia 29
BE - Belgio 28
MU - Mauritius 25
AU - Australia 24
IR - Iran 23
PH - Filippine 23
MY - Malesia 21
HU - Ungheria 20
PK - Pakistan 19
AT - Austria 18
CO - Colombia 18
CH - Svizzera 17
MX - Messico 16
PE - Perù 16
KH - Cambogia 15
LT - Lituania 15
HR - Croazia 14
CL - Cile 13
AR - Argentina 12
DK - Danimarca 12
LV - Lettonia 10
NG - Nigeria 10
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 10
LB - Libano 9
LU - Lussemburgo 9
MA - Marocco 9
NP - Nepal 9
ZA - Sudafrica 9
LK - Sri Lanka 7
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 6
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 6
EC - Ecuador 6
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
BJ - Benin 5
CY - Cipro 5
ET - Etiopia 5
IL - Israele 5
SC - Seychelles 5
TZ - Tanzania 5
CM - Camerun 4
DM - Dominica 4
KE - Kenya 4
KG - Kirghizistan 4
RS - Serbia 4
SI - Slovenia 4
UY - Uruguay 4
AM - Armenia 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
BO - Bolivia 3
BY - Bielorussia 3
DZ - Algeria 3
EE - Estonia 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
MD - Moldavia 3
MZ - Mozambico 3
PA - Panama 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
TG - Togo 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
VE - Venezuela 3
A1 - Anonimo 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
EG - Egitto 2
GE - Georgia 2
IQ - Iraq 2
ML - Mali 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
SN - Senegal 2
Totale 22.923
Città #
Warsaw 5.445
Jacksonville 866
Fairfield 589
Chandler 532
Ashburn 398
Wilmington 370
Woodbridge 359
Dublin 297
New York 288
Houston 284
Seattle 245
Ann Arbor 242
Buffalo 234
Cambridge 224
Olalla 213
Boardman 209
Dearborn 208
Falkenstein 208
San Mateo 207
Dong Ket 172
San Michele All'adige 168
Los Angeles 162
Beijing 154
Singapore 138
Moscow 129
Guangzhou 123
Mülheim 107
Rome 92
Helsinki 90
Milan 79
Redwood City 78
Seoul 78
Washington 75
Amsterdam 72
Philadelphia 69
Trento 69
Mountain View 66
Falls Church 62
Shanghai 59
Munich 51
Abidjan 49
Jakarta 42
Las Vegas 40
Shenyang 40
Zhengzhou 39
Kitzingen 38
Nanjing 32
Turin 31
Changsha 29
San Diego 25
Bolzano 24
Verona 24
Mezzolombardo 23
Phoenix 23
Hangzhou 20
Brussels 19
Florence 19
Harbin 19
London 19
Ottawa 18
Brno 17
Budapest 17
Kunming 17
Hanover 16
Taipei 15
Bonn 14
Davis 14
Madrid 14
Padova 14
Tokyo 14
Düsseldorf 13
Gwanak-gu 13
Hebei 13
Chicago 12
Hefei 12
Hong Kong 12
Jinan 12
Trieste 12
Chongqing 11
Fremont 11
Lima 11
Lisbon 11
Nanchang 11
Wuhan 11
Athens 10
Daejeon 10
Dallas 10
Istanbul 10
Manchester 10
Naples 10
Pavullo Nel Frignano 10
Redmond 10
São Paulo 10
Bologna 9
Chengdu 9
Chennai 9
Prague 9
Toronto 9
Velletri 9
Bari 8
Totale 14.553
Nome #
Land Cover Classification and Monitoring: the STEM Open Source Solution 1.520
OpenDEM Generator: combining open access Digital Elevation Models into a homogenized DEM 537
Climatic and environmental early predictors of mosquito population dynamics in North-western Italy 471
Disentangling the role of remotely sensed spectral heterogeneity as a proxy for North American plant species richness 451
Implementation of dynamic routing as a web service for emergency routing decision planning 394
Use of multi-annual modis land surface temperature data for the characterization of the heat requirements for grapevine varieties 353
Servizi meteo previsionali sul Web: una opportunità per la ricerca e la modellistica. 335
EULAKES model as support for decision making 333
pyModis: the Python library for MODIS data 330
Early warning of West Nile virus mosquito vector: climate and land use models successfully explain phenology and abundance of Culex pipiens mosquitoes in north-western Italy 328
Massive data processing in GRASS GIS 7: a new gap-filled MODIS Land Surface Temperature time series data set 319
OpenStreetMap: i dati geografici liberi 316
OpenStreetMap: l'informazione geografica per tutti 308
Implementation of algorithm for satellite-derived bathymetry using open source GIS and evaluation for tsunami simulation 302
Mapping of Aedes albopictus abundance at a local scale in Italy 294
New automated method to develop geometrically corrected time series of brightness temperatures from historical AVHRR LAC data 291
Assessing the distribution of disease vectors and fruit crop pests from satellite in GRASS GIS 7 285
State of the art of Geopaparazzi 284
An introduction to OpenStreetMap and some use in research 281
Estimating biodiversity in a Free and Open Source environment 277
Partial migration in roe deer 271
Calculating generalized entropy as a measure of landscape diversity in an Open Source space 270
Collaborative science beyond borders: the example of EuroSmallMammals initiative 269
Derivazione dell'indice bioclimatico di Winkler a partire da mappe telerilevate MODISLST 269
Application of daily MODIS Land Surface Temperature data in viticulture 269
Partial migration in roe deer: migratory and resident tactics are end points of a behavioural gradient determined by ecological factors 268
Environmental and landscape factors associated with West Nile vector population dynamics in North-western Italy 263
Fostering pre-university student participation in OSGeo through the Google Code-in competition 262
SWISS-TIGER: Assessing the potential distribution of the tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus in Switzerland. Technical report FEM-CRI PGIS 257
Workshop GRASS GIS 256
L'utilizzo di OpenStreetMap in un centro di ricerca 256
OpenMICE: an open spatial and temporal data set of small mammals in south-central Italy based on owl pellet data 256
Come collaborare a GRASS GIS anche se non si è sviluppatori: documentazione e traduzione 249
Open Source spatial algorithms applied to landscape genetics 246
Measuring ecosystem complexity from remotely sensed imagery in an Open Source space 242
GRASS GIS 7: ecco cosa non potete aspettare! 241
GRASS GIS nella nuvola informatica=GRASS GIS in the cloud 240
White Paper sulla geo-localizzazione in Italia e nel contesto europeo italiano 240
ZOO WPS the integration with GRASS GIS 238
OpenStreetMap a servizio delle emergenze 238
Climatic and geographical dependence of the H, C and O stable isotope ratios of Italian wine 237
GIS-based data synthesis and visualization 236
Big geodata management and analysis using GRASS GIS 236
Daily MODIS land surface temperature data for the analysis of the heat requirements of grapevine varieties 231
The STEM project: an open source solution for agricoltural monitoring 229
Inter-sensor comparison of lake surface temperatures derived from MODIS, AVHRR and AATSR thermal bands 228
Calculating landscape diversity with information-theory based indices: a GRASS GIS solution 227
Software libero nella ricerca in campo ambientale 226
Unleash the power of GRASS GIS 7 215
Early warning of West Nile virus mosquito vector: climate and land use models successfully explain phenology and abundance of Culex pipiens mosquitoes in north-western Italy 211
Robust rectification of aerial photographs in an Open Source environment 210
An open source framework for processing daily satellite images (AVHRR) over the last 28 years 209
TGRASS: temporal data processing with GRASS GIS 209
Spatial algorithms applied to landscape diversity estimate from remote sensing data 204
Sensing technologies and their integration with maps: mapping landscape heterogeneity by satellite imagery 202
OSGeoLive, il più semplice approccio con il software libero geografico 194
Dynamics and Distribution of the Invasive Mosquito Aedes koreicus in a Temperate European City 193
Development of a GRASS-GIS application for the characterization of vineyards in the province of Trento 190
Spatio-ecological complexity measures in GRASS GIS 188
Sistema Aeromobile a Pilotaggio Remoto liberi e open source 187
pyModis: from satellite to GIS maps 186
Sistemi Informativi Geografici, dati e servizi web liberi nella caratterizzazione del territorio viticolo: un esempio dal progetto P.I.C.A. 185
Smart Viticulture: dispositivi low cost a supporto della ricerca e della gestione sostenibile del vigneto 180
HarvAssist: nuovo portale internet per la caratterizzazione dei vigneti e per la gestione della qualità delle uve 178
Vom Laptop zum Grossrechner: Neues in GRASS GIS 7 175
EUROSMALLMAMMALS: a network for collaborative science in small mammal ecology 173
GRASS GIS 7.4: What's new in a nutshell? 172
L’importanza dei dati aperti e del software libero per la ricerca 166
L'utilizzo di OpenStreetMap all'interno del Club Alpino Italiano 165
From historical aerial maps to a biotope map: ecologial image processing in GRASS GIS 163
Sviluppo dei software GIS verso le tecnologie cloud e l’integrazione con dispositivi mobili 161
The power of generalized entropy for biodiversity assessment by remote sensing: an open source approach 160
Jupyter: a simple web tool to learn programming languages 159
OSGeoLive: an Open Source Geospatial GNU/Linux Distribution 158
West Nile virus transmission in Europe is critically driven by spring temperature 156
pyModis: la libreria Python per lavorare con dati MODIS 154
Creating a gap-free time series of daily MODIS Land Surface Temperature maps 150
Zoonoses in a global changes context: the case of Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus in the Autonomous Province of Trento 148
Geographical distribution of Ljungan virus in small mammals in Europe 146
ZOO: la piattaforma WPS libera 136
Collaborative mapping response to disasters through OpenStreetMap: the case of the 2016 Italian earthquake 136
Habitat suitability modelling to assess the introductions of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Netherlands 124
How to write a Python GRASS GIS 7 addon 122
Advanced Spatial Data Analysis With GRASS GIS 7 121
Spatial Epidemiology with Open Source GIS 113
Harvassist: portale webGIS per la gestione della vendemmia 112
Creating MODIS land surface temperature maps for viticulture 112
Measuring spatial diversity in a free algorithmic environment 109
Free and Open Source unmanned vehicles 109
Interfacciarsi a GRASS tramite web: la caratterizzazione di un vigneto 99
Spring temperature shapes West Nile virus transmission in Europe 97
Sentinel processing in GRASS GIS: a growing toolset for downloading, preprocessing and multitemporal analysis of Copernicus Sentinel data 97
Python in GRASS GIS 7 Workshop 94
Freie Software und infektiöse Krankheiten: von Rohdaten zu ökologischen Indikatoren 93
OpenStreetMap nei casi di emergenza, le attività in Italia 92
High level map interaction using python and GRASS 91
GRASS GIS in the Cloud 90
DigiAgriApp 88
Implementazione di GRASS in Sextante 87
Totale 22.715
Categoria #
all - tutte 70.712
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 70.712

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.403 0 0 0 0 0 482 360 378 421 297 286 179
2020/20213.799 343 398 208 384 291 419 361 182 409 188 343 273
2021/20221.850 176 359 106 123 123 177 94 206 157 108 118 103
2022/20233.394 121 50 260 282 367 428 157 270 581 230 461 187
2023/20243.211 240 254 485 319 307 298 167 196 173 217 183 372
2024/20251.264 131 172 156 381 243 181 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 23.531