Adria Äsche: Mythos oder immer noch Realität? Antworten von Seiten des Artenschutzprojektes ABaTe
2012-01-01 Meraner, A.; Gandolfi, A.
Adriatic grayling within the Adige River Basin: a myth or still reality?
2010-01-01 Meraner, A.; Gandolfi, A.
Communication between scientists, fishery managers and recreational fishers: lessons learned from a comparative analysis of international case studies
2013-01-01 Dedual, M.; Sague Pla, O.; Arlinghaus, R.; Clarke, A.; Ferter, K.; Geertz Hansen, P.; Gerdeaux, D.; Hames, F.; Kennelly, S.J.; Kleiven, A.R.; Meraner, A.; Ueberschär, B.
Conservation genetics of freshwater fishes with special emphasis on Northern Adriatic Salmonids
2013-01-01 Meraner, A.; Gandolfi, A.
Conservation genetics of riverine salmonids in the Southern Alps: a synthesis.
2015-01-01 Meraner, A.; Gandolfi, A.
Conservation genetics of the Adriatic grayling: recent and historical exotic imprints on native Adriatic Thymallus thymallus populations
2013-01-01 Meraner, A.; Cornetti, L.; Gandolfi, A.
Conservazione della biodiversità della fauna ittica: il progetto ABaTe si concentra ora sullo stato di rischio dei barbi italiani
2012-01-01 Meraner, A.; Venturi, A.; Gandolfi, A.
Defining conservation units in a stocking-induced genetic melting pot: unraveling native and multiple exotic genetic imprints of recent and historical secondary contact in Adriatic grayling
2014-01-01 Meraner, A.; Cornetti, L.; Gandolfi, A.
Good news for conservation: limited genetic signatures of inter-basin fish transfer in Thymallus thymallus (Salmonidae) from the Upper Drava River
2013-01-01 Meraner, A.; Unfer, G.; Gandolfi, A.
Lo stato di rischio dei barbi italiani
2012-01-01 Meraner, A.; Venturi, A.; Gandolfi, A.
Massive invasion of exotic Barbus barbus and introgressive hybridisation with endemic B. plebejus in Northern Italy: where, how and why?
2013-01-01 Meraner, A.; Venturi, A.; Ficetola, G.F.; Rossi, S.; Candiotto, A.; Gandolfi, A.
Nothing but a trace left? Autochthony and conservation status of Northern Adriatic Salmo trutta inferred from PCR multiplexing, mtDNA control region sequencing and microsatellite analysis
2013-01-01 Meraner, A.; Gratton, P.; Baraldi, F.; Gandolfi, A.
On the road to extinction? Patterns and extent of stocking-induced genetic introgression in Southern Alpine freshwater fish taxa
2012-01-01 Meraner, A.; Venturi, A.; Gandolfi, A.
Phylogeography of European grayling, Thymallus thymallus (Actinopterygii, Salmonidae), within the Northern Adriatic basin: evidence for native and exotic mitochondrial DNA lineages
2012-01-01 Meraner, A.; Gandolfi, A.
Progetto ABaTe: principali risultati e implicazioni gestionali
2014-01-01 Gandolfi, A.; Meraner, A.
Rückschau auf das Artenschutzprojekt ABaTe (2010–2013): Ergebnisse und deren Anwendung im Bereich der Fischereibewirtschaftung = Ultime notizie dal progetto ABaTe (2010–2013): principali risultati e implicazioni gestionali
2013-01-01 Meraner, A.; Gandolfi, A.
Stato di autoctonia e conservazione del genere Barbus dell’Adriatico settentrionale: dati di sequenza MTDNA e di microsatelliti nucleari rivelano tracce genetiche native, esotiche ed ibride
2012-01-01 Meraner, A.; Venturi, A.; Rossi, S.; Candiotto, A.; Gandolfi, A.
Sulla via dell’estinzione? Effetti dell’introduzione di alloctoni sul grado di introgressione genetica dell’ittiofauna nativa sudalpina
2012-01-01 Gandolfi, A.; Venturi, A.; Meraner, A.
Temolo Padano: le risposte del progetto ABaTe
2012-01-01 Meraner, A.; Gandolfi, A.
Temolo Padano: ormai un mito? Le risposte del progetto ABaTe
2012-01-01 Meraner, A.; Gandolfi, A.