Atypical ageing and hydric stress: insights on an exceptionally dry year
2023-01-01 Delaiti, S.; Pedo', S.; Roman Villegas, T.; Nardin, T.; Larcher, R.
Atypical ageing defect in Pinot blanc wines: a comparison between organic and conventional production management systems
2023-01-01 Larcher, R.; Delaiti, S.; Nardin, T.; Pedo', S.; Roman, T.; Zanzotti, R.
Atypical ageing defect in Pinot Blanc wines: a comparison between organic and conventional production management systems
2023-01-15 Delaiti, S.; Nardin, T.; Roman, T.; Pedo, S.; Zanzotti, R.; Larcher, R.
Atypical ageing defect in Pinot Blanc wines: influence of the grapevine production management
2022-01-01 Delaiti, S.; Nardin, T.; Roman Villegas, T.; Pedo', S.; Zanzotti, R.; Larcher, R.
Chronic consumption of probiotics, oats and apples have differential effects on postprandial bile acid profile and cardiometabolic disease risk markers compared to an isocaloric control (cornflakes): a randomized trial
2023-01-01 Pushpass, R.G.; Alzoufairi, S.; Mancini, A.; Quilter, K.; Fava, F.; Delaiti, S.; Vrhovsek, U.; Christensen, C.; Joyce, S.A.; Tuohy, K.M.; Jackson, K.G.; Lovegrove, J.A.
Development, validation and application of a fast UHPLC-HRMS method for the analysis of amino acids and biogenic amines in wines and musts
2022-01-01 Delaiti, S.; Nardin, T.; Larcher, R.
Evaluating the atypical aging potential development in sparkling wines can be achieved by assessing the base wines at the end of the alcoholic fermentation
2024-01-01 Delaiti, S.; Nardin, T.; Roman, T.; Pedo', S.; Larcher, R.
Exploring the relationship between field available water capacity (AWC) and atypical aging (ATA) development in base wines
2024-01-01 Delaiti, S.; Nardin, T.; Roman Villegas, T.; Cappello, N.; Larcher, R.; Pedo', S.
Impact of using yeast derivatives on the development of atypical aging in wines
2024-01-01 Delaiti, S.; Nardin, T.; Pedo', S.; Larcher, R.; Gallo, A.; Cappello, N.; Roman, T.
Rapporto tra strategie di fertilizzazione e invecchiamento atipico (ATA) di vini bianchi trentini
2021-01-01 Delaiti, S.; Pedo', S.; Roman Villegas, T.; Nardin, T.; Zanzotti, R.
Sparkling wines and atypical aging: investigating the risk of refermentation
2023-01-01 Delaiti, S.; Roman Villegas, T.; Nardin, T.; Pedo', S.; Larcher, R.