CRI [2022-01 - today]: BIOECONOMY
Anaerobic co-digestion of agri-industrial residues in livestock manure management for circular bioeconomy enhancement in alpine territories
2024-01-01 Scrinzi, D.; Bona, D.; Tomasi, L.; Bertolini, S.; Silvestri, S.
Da scarti di mela ad ammendanti: il progetto “SMS-Green”
2024-01-01 Bertolini, S.; Bona, D.; Grandi, L.; Cristoforetti, A.; Tomasi, L.; Silvestri, S.
Effects of woody biochar on dry thermophilic anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste
2020-01-01 Bona, D.; Beggio, G.; Weil, T.; Scholz, M.; Bertolini, S.; Grandi, L.; Baratieri, M.; Schievano, A.; Silvestri, S.; Pivato, A.
From apple pomace to soil fertility; the SMS Green project approach for understanding the contribution of digestate, compost, and hydrochar to orchards fertility
2023-01-01 Bona, D.; Bertolini, S.; Morelli, R.; Zanzotti, R.; Bertoldi, D.; Pindo, M.; Donati, C.; Silvestri, S.
From waste to wealth: exploring the power of agro-industrial waste. 1) From apple pomace to soil amendments: the "SMS green" project. 2) Producion of biostimulants (humic acids) from compost and effects on soil rizosphere and horticultural crops
2024-01-01 Bertolini, S.; Bona, D.; Silvestri, S.; Tomasi, L.; Sinicco, T.; Mondini, C.; Ronchin, E.; Fiori, L.; Marchelli, F.
Il progetto WEBio: una piattaforma per l’utilizzo delle biorisorse
2019-01-01 Bertolini, S.
Mele: nuova vita per gli scarti
2023-01-01 Bertolini, S.
Monitoring seasonal efficiency of dry anaerobic digestion plant
2024-01-01 Bona, D.; Grandi, L.; Bertolini, S.; Scrinzi, D.; Silvestri, S.; Zorzi, M.