A multifaced approach sheds light on the molecular details underlaying the mechanism preventing enzymatic browning in ‘Majda’ apple cultivar (Malus domestica Borkh.)
2023-01-01 Cebulj, A.; Populin, F.; Masuero, D.; Vrhovsek, U.; Angeli, L.; Morozova, K.; Scampicchio, M.; Costa, F.; Busatto, N.
Auxin is part of the regulatory circuit that sustains the ripening initiation in apple fruit
2022-01-01 Busatto, N.; Moretto, M.; Farneti, B.; Populin, F.; Vrhovsek, U.; Commisso, M.; Sonego, P.; Biasioli, F.; Guzzo, F.; Fontana, P.; Costa, F.
Candidate gene transcriptional signature unravels the reprogramming occurring in the peel of apple fruit of ‘Granny smith’ during postharvest storage
In corso di stampa Vittani, L.; Populin, F.; Stuerz, S.; Fava, F.; Robatscher, P.; Zanella, A.; Costa, F.; Busatto, N.
Comparative analysis of antioxidant activity and capacity in apple varieties: Insights from stopped flow DPPH• kinetics, mass spectrometry and electrochemistry
2024-01-01 Angeli, L.; Populin, F.; Morozova, K.; Ding, Y.; Asma, U.; Bolchini, S.; Cebulj, A.; Busatto, N.; Costa, F.; Ferrentino, G.; Scampicchio, M.
Comparative investigation of superficial scald disorder in ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Ladina’ apple varieties
2023-01-01 Vittani, L.; Populin, F.; Stuerz, S.; Buehlmann, A.; Khomenko, I.; Biasioli, F.; Bühlmann-Schütz, S.; Vrhovsek, U.; Masuero, D.; Zanella, A.; Busatto, N.; Costa, F.
Comparative transcriptome and metabolite survey reveal key pathways involved in the control of the chilling injury disorder superficial scald in two apple cultivars, 'Granny Smith' and 'Ladina'
2023-01-01 Vittani, L.; Populin, F.; Stuerz, S.; Buehlmann, A.; Khomenko, I.; Biasioli, F.; Bühlmann-Schütz, S.; Vrhovsek, U.; Masuero, D.; Zanella, A.; Busatto, N.; Costa, F.
Ethylene-auxin crosstalk regulates postharvest fruit ripening process in apple
2021-01-01 Busatto, N.; Tadiello, A.; Moretto, M.; Farneti, B.; Populin, F.; Vrhovsek, U.; Commisso, M.; Sartori, E.; Sonego, P.; Biasioli, F.; Costa, G.; Guzzo, F.; Fontana, P.; Engelen, K.; Costa, F.
Grape berry responses to sequential flooding and heatwave events: a physiological, transcriptional, and metabolic overview
2022-01-01 Botton, A.; Girardi, F.; Ruperti, B.; Brilli, M.; Tijero, V.; Eccher, G.; Populin, F.; Schievano, E.; Riello, T.; Munné-Bosch, S.; Canton, M.; Rasori, A.; Cardillo, V.; Meggio, F.
Isoenzymes of the flavonoid and phenylpropanoid pathways show organ-specific regulation during apple fruit development
2023-09-20 Baldi, P.; Asquini, E.; Nicolussi Golo, G.; Populin, F.; Moser, M.
Ripening behavior in red flesh ‘Kissabel®’ apple fruit during postharvest
2022-01-01 Populin, F.; Vittani, L.; Farneti, B.; Busatto, N.; Costa, F.
System genetics approach disclosed the genetic architecture of the chilling injury disorder superficial scald in apple
2023-01-01 Costa, F.; Busatto, N.; Sayantan, P.; Vittani, L.; Populin, F.; Khomenko, I.; Biasioli, F.; Vrhovsek, U.; Aharoni, A.; Zanella, A.
The effect of static and dynamic low oxygen regimes during postharvest storage on ‘Granny Smith’ apple is disclosed by transcriptome and metabolic surveys
2023-01-01 Busatto, N.; Populin, F.; Vittani, L.; Zanella, A.; Stuerz, S.; Folie, I.; Khomenko, I.; Biasioli, F.; Masuero, D.; Vrhovsek, U.; Costa, F.
Thermographic imaging to identify abscising apple fruitlets after a thinning treatment
2022-01-01 Populin, F.; Pellizzari, P.; Costa, G.; Meggio, F.; Botton, A.
Transcriptome and metabolic analysis reveal the impact of static and dynamic low oxygen regimes on postharvest storage of ‘Granny Smith’ apples
2024-01-01 Busatto, N.; Populin, F.; Vittani, L.; Zanella, A.; Stuerz, S.; Komhenko, I.; Biasioli, F.; Masuero, D.; Vrhovsek, U.; Costa, F.
Transcriptome and metabolic survey disclose the mode of action of static and dynamic low oxygen postharvest storage strategies to prevent the onset of superficial scald disorder in fruit of ‘Granny Smith’ apple cultivar
2023-01-01 Populin, F.; Vittani, L.; Zanella, A.; Stuerz, S.; Folie, I.; Khomenko, I.; Biasioli, F.; Scholz, M.; Masuero, D.; Vrhovsek, U.; Busatto, N.; Costa, F.
Unveiling the molecular mechanisms behind non-browning phenotype in the apple cultivar 'Majda' (Malus domestica Borkh.) by a comprehensive investigation.
2023-01-01 Busatto, N.; Cebulj, A.; Populin, F.; Masuero, D.; Vrhovsek, U.; Angeli, L.; Morozova, K.; Scampicchio, M.; Costa, F.
“Scald-Cold”: comprehensive dissection of the superficial scald in apple
2022-01-01 Costa, F.; Zanella, A.; Huck, C.; Busatto, N.; Populin, F.; Stürz, S.; Folie, I.; Biasioli, F.; Farneti, B.; Vrhovsek, U.; Ueno, N.; Vittani, L.; Grabska, J.; Bec, K.
Data di pubblicazione | Titolo | Autore(i) | Tipo | File |
1-gen-2023 | A multifaced approach sheds light on the molecular details underlaying the mechanism preventing enzymatic browning in ‘Majda’ apple cultivar (Malus domestica Borkh.) | Cebulj, A.; Populin, F.; Masuero, D.; Vrhovsek, U.; Angeli, L.; Morozova, K.; Scampicchio, M.; Costa, F.; Busatto, N. | - | |
1-gen-2022 | Auxin is part of the regulatory circuit that sustains the ripening initiation in apple fruit | Busatto, N.; Moretto, M.; Farneti, B.; Populin, F.; Vrhovsek, U.; Commisso, M.; Sonego, P.; Biasioli, F.; Guzzo, F.; Fontana, P.; Costa, F. | - | |
In corso di stampa | Candidate gene transcriptional signature unravels the reprogramming occurring in the peel of apple fruit of ‘Granny smith’ during postharvest storage | Vittani, L.; Populin, F.; Stuerz, S.; Fava, F.; Robatscher, P.; Zanella, A.; Costa, F.; Busatto, N. | - | |
1-gen-2024 | Comparative analysis of antioxidant activity and capacity in apple varieties: Insights from stopped flow DPPH• kinetics, mass spectrometry and electrochemistry | Angeli, L.; Populin, F.; Morozova, K.; Ding, Y.; Asma, U.; Bolchini, S.; Cebulj, A.; Busatto, N.; Costa, F.; Ferrentino, G.; Scampicchio, M. | - | |
1-gen-2023 | Comparative investigation of superficial scald disorder in ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Ladina’ apple varieties | Vittani, L.; Populin, F.; Stuerz, S.; Buehlmann, A.; Khomenko, I.; Biasioli, F.; Bühlmann-Schütz, S.; Vrhovsek, U.; Masuero, D.; Zanella, A.; Busatto, N.; Costa, F. | - | |
1-gen-2023 | Comparative transcriptome and metabolite survey reveal key pathways involved in the control of the chilling injury disorder superficial scald in two apple cultivars, 'Granny Smith' and 'Ladina' | Vittani, L.; Populin, F.; Stuerz, S.; Buehlmann, A.; Khomenko, I.; Biasioli, F.; Bühlmann-Schütz, S.; Vrhovsek, U.; Masuero, D.; Zanella, A.; Busatto, N.; Costa, F. | - | |
1-gen-2021 | Ethylene-auxin crosstalk regulates postharvest fruit ripening process in apple | Busatto, N.; Tadiello, A.; Moretto, M.; Farneti, B.; Populin, F.; Vrhovsek, U.; Commisso, M.; Sartori, E.; Sonego, P.; Biasioli, F.; Costa, G.; Guzzo, F.; Fontana, P.; Engelen, K.; Costa, F. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2022 | Grape berry responses to sequential flooding and heatwave events: a physiological, transcriptional, and metabolic overview | Botton, A.; Girardi, F.; Ruperti, B.; Brilli, M.; Tijero, V.; Eccher, G.; Populin, F.; Schievano, E.; Riello, T.; Munné-Bosch, S.; Canton, M.; Rasori, A.; Cardillo, V.; Meggio, F. | - | |
20-set-2023 | Isoenzymes of the flavonoid and phenylpropanoid pathways show organ-specific regulation during apple fruit development | Baldi, P.; Asquini, E.; Nicolussi Golo, G.; Populin, F.; Moser, M. | - | |
1-gen-2022 | Ripening behavior in red flesh ‘Kissabel®’ apple fruit during postharvest | Populin, F.; Vittani, L.; Farneti, B.; Busatto, N.; Costa, F. | - | |
1-gen-2023 | System genetics approach disclosed the genetic architecture of the chilling injury disorder superficial scald in apple | Costa, F.; Busatto, N.; Sayantan, P.; Vittani, L.; Populin, F.; Khomenko, I.; Biasioli, F.; Vrhovsek, U.; Aharoni, A.; Zanella, A. | - | |
1-gen-2023 | The effect of static and dynamic low oxygen regimes during postharvest storage on ‘Granny Smith’ apple is disclosed by transcriptome and metabolic surveys | Busatto, N.; Populin, F.; Vittani, L.; Zanella, A.; Stuerz, S.; Folie, I.; Khomenko, I.; Biasioli, F.; Masuero, D.; Vrhovsek, U.; Costa, F. | - | |
1-gen-2022 | Thermographic imaging to identify abscising apple fruitlets after a thinning treatment | Populin, F.; Pellizzari, P.; Costa, G.; Meggio, F.; Botton, A. | - | |
1-gen-2024 | Transcriptome and metabolic analysis reveal the impact of static and dynamic low oxygen regimes on postharvest storage of ‘Granny Smith’ apples | Busatto, N.; Populin, F.; Vittani, L.; Zanella, A.; Stuerz, S.; Komhenko, I.; Biasioli, F.; Masuero, D.; Vrhovsek, U.; Costa, F. | - | |
1-gen-2023 | Transcriptome and metabolic survey disclose the mode of action of static and dynamic low oxygen postharvest storage strategies to prevent the onset of superficial scald disorder in fruit of ‘Granny Smith’ apple cultivar | Populin, F.; Vittani, L.; Zanella, A.; Stuerz, S.; Folie, I.; Khomenko, I.; Biasioli, F.; Scholz, M.; Masuero, D.; Vrhovsek, U.; Busatto, N.; Costa, F. | - | |
1-gen-2023 | Unveiling the molecular mechanisms behind non-browning phenotype in the apple cultivar 'Majda' (Malus domestica Borkh.) by a comprehensive investigation. | Busatto, N.; Cebulj, A.; Populin, F.; Masuero, D.; Vrhovsek, U.; Angeli, L.; Morozova, K.; Scampicchio, M.; Costa, F. | - | |
1-gen-2022 | “Scald-Cold”: comprehensive dissection of the superficial scald in apple | Costa, F.; Zanella, A.; Huck, C.; Busatto, N.; Populin, F.; Stürz, S.; Folie, I.; Biasioli, F.; Farneti, B.; Vrhovsek, U.; Ueno, N.; Vittani, L.; Grabska, J.; Bec, K. | - |