Caratteristiche ecologiche del fiume Adige lungo gradienti longitudinali: effetti della regimazione idrologica
2010-01-01 Salmaso, N.; Zignin, A.; Centis, B.; Maiolini, B.; Bruno, M.C.; Sartori, P.; Zambiasi, M.; Angheben, R.; Dell'Acqua, N.
Constraints to the maximum sustainable phytoplankton biomass in large rivers
2010-01-01 Salmaso, N.; Zignin, A.; Centis, B.; Cerasino, L.
Diatomee planctoniche e bentoniche del fiume Adige
2008-01-01 Centis, B.; Tolotti, M.; Zignin, A.; Dell'Acqua, N.; Sartori, P.; Zambiasi, M.; Salmaso, N.
Distinguishing between live and dead diatoms in riverine planktonic communities: implications for the application of bioassessment methods
2009-01-01 Centis, B.; Zignin, A.
Il plancton fluviale come strumento di conoscenza della qualità ecologica e per la gestione delle acque del fiume Adige
2007-01-01 Salmaso, N.; Zignin, A.; Centis, B.; Sartori, P.; Dell'Acqua, N.
Importance of substrates in diatom-based water quality assessment: evidence from the first sampling months of river Adige
2009-01-01 Centis, B.; Tolotti, M.; Salmaso, N.
Physical constraits on riverine diatoms: a case study from Adige river (North-Eastern Italy)
2009-01-01 Centis, B.; Tolotti, M.; Salmaso, N.
Spatial heterogeneity and habitat preferences of diatoms in rivers: a contribution to river's ecology
2010-01-01 Centis, B.; Salmaso, N.
Spatial patterns and ecological determinants of diatom communities in an alpine flow river (Adige river, north-eastern Italy): implications for use
2010-01-01 Centis, B.; Salmaso, N.
Spatial patterns and ecological determinants of the diatom communities in an alpine flow-regime river (Adige River, North-Eastern Italy). Implications for the ecological status' assessment
2011-03-03 Centis, B.
Structure of the diatom community of the river Adige (North-eastern Italy) along a hydrological gradient
2008-01-01 Centis, B.; Tolotti, M.; Salmaso, N.
Structure of the diatom community of the river Adige (North-eastern Italy) along a hydrological gradient
2010-01-01 Centis, B.; Tolotti, M.; Salmaso, N.
Struttura della comunità diatomica del fiume Adige lungo un gradiente idrologico
2008-01-01 Centis, B.; Tolotti, M.; Salmaso, N.
The planktonic and benthic diatoms of the river Adige
2008-01-01 Centis, B.; Tolotti, M.; Zignin, A.; Salmaso, N.
The planktonic and benthic diatoms of the river Adige
2008-01-01 Centis, B.; Tolotti, M.; Zignin, A.; Salmaso, N.
The planktonic and benthic diatoms of the river Adige
2008-01-01 Centis, B.; Tolotti, M.; Salmaso, N.