2 - Contributi in volume
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 37.903
EU - Europa 29.679
AS - Asia 6.791
SA - Sud America 576
AF - Africa 519
OC - Oceania 256
Unknown Continent - ???statistics.table.value.continent.Unknown Continent??? 251
Totale 75.975
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 37.462
IT - Italia 8.418
DE - Germania 5.565
PL - Polonia 4.404
UA - Ucraina 2.305
CN - Cina 2.207
RU - Federazione Russa 1.950
IE - Irlanda 1.576
SG - Singapore 1.555
GB - Regno Unito 1.109
SE - Svezia 965
HK - Hong Kong 913
FR - Francia 751
VN - Vietnam 694
FI - Finlandia 571
IN - India 367
BR - Brasile 350
NL - Olanda 347
ES - Italia 280
EU - Europa 248
KR - Corea 247
CA - Canada 237
AU - Australia 212
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 197
TR - Turchia 188
BE - Belgio 177
MX - Messico 161
JP - Giappone 154
AT - Austria 153
ZA - Sudafrica 131
RO - Romania 126
MU - Mauritius 122
PT - Portogallo 115
CH - Svizzera 111
GR - Grecia 98
CI - Costa d'Avorio 91
HU - Ungheria 88
MA - Marocco 83
CL - Cile 74
CO - Colombia 48
DK - Danimarca 46
ID - Indonesia 45
PH - Filippine 44
IR - Iran 43
NO - Norvegia 41
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 41
PK - Pakistan 41
SI - Slovenia 41
MY - Malesia 38
TW - Taiwan 38
HR - Croazia 36
AR - Argentina 34
IL - Israele 32
LT - Lituania 31
PE - Perù 31
RS - Serbia 31
TH - Thailandia 29
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 26
CR - Costa Rica 24
EC - Ecuador 23
MD - Moldavia 23
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 22
BG - Bulgaria 22
SA - Arabia Saudita 21
EG - Egitto 18
LV - Lettonia 17
EE - Estonia 16
BD - Bangladesh 12
KG - Kirghizistan 12
NG - Nigeria 12
DZ - Algeria 11
AZ - Azerbaigian 10
LK - Sri Lanka 10
PA - Panama 10
UZ - Uzbekistan 10
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 9
KZ - Kazakistan 9
AL - Albania 8
JO - Giordania 8
BW - Botswana 7
BY - Bielorussia 7
CY - Cipro 7
KE - Kenya 7
SC - Seychelles 7
UY - Uruguay 7
BO - Bolivia 6
TN - Tunisia 6
AM - Armenia 5
IQ - Iraq 5
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 5
ET - Etiopia 4
GE - Georgia 4
NP - Nepal 4
PS - Palestinian Territory 4
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 3
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 3
GH - Ghana 3
IS - Islanda 3
JM - Giamaica 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
Totale 75.928
Città #
Warsaw 4.326
Jacksonville 3.891
Fairfield 2.775
Chandler 2.427
Ashburn 1.770
Woodbridge 1.704
Wilmington 1.642
Dublin 1.484
Seattle 1.359
Houston 1.218
New York 1.029
Buffalo 1.023
Ann Arbor 998
Olalla 991
San Michele All'adige 968
San Mateo 956
Cambridge 927
Hong Kong 873
Beijing 826
Los Angeles 755
Boardman 715
Singapore 692
Dearborn 664
Dong Ket 663
Moscow 654
Helsinki 528
Mülheim 498
Milan 434
Rome 378
Washington 327
Philadelphia 319
Redwood City 307
Munich 255
Trento 247
Shanghai 208
Menlo Park 206
Las Vegas 186
Guangzhou 173
Turin 171
Mountain View 164
Zhengzhou 159
Seoul 155
Bologna 153
Verona 148
Padova 146
Florence 143
London 133
Mezzolombardo 117
Amsterdam 110
San Diego 107
Dallas 97
Brno 96
Bolzano 95
Abidjan 89
Kitzingen 89
Brussels 85
Lavis 75
Falls Church 74
Falkenstein 71
Naples 69
Toronto 69
Ottawa 67
Nanjing 66
Catania 65
Vienna 65
Hefei 63
Tokyo 63
São Paulo 60
Santiago 58
Frankfurt am Main 57
Fremont 56
Brisbane 55
Parma 54
Phoenix 54
Elk City 49
Budapest 48
Palermo 48
Saint Petersburg 48
Bari 47
Scottsdale 47
Hangzhou 46
Athens 44
Madrid 44
Santa Clara 44
Redmond 43
Wuhan 43
Kocaeli 41
Torino 41
Affi 39
Berlin 38
Norwalk 38
Nuremberg 38
Kunming 37
Olomouc 36
Jinan 35
Paris 35
Udine 35
Taipei 32
Eitensheim 31
Modena 31
Totale 43.852
Nome #
First assessments of fixed spray application systems in narrow-wall apple orchards 653
Disease transmission in animal social networks 591
Sequencing the movements of honey bee colonies between the forage sites with the microeconomic model of the migratory beekeeper 575
Mass spectrometry: principles and instrumentation 550
Biologging and remote-sensing of behavior 481
Datasheet for CABI invasive species compendium: crop and environmental pest species template: Drosophila suzukii 402
Advances in isotopic analysis for food authenticity testing 402
Situazione nazionale: corpi idrici interessati da cianobatteri tossici 394
Carbon, water and energy fluxes of terrestrial ecosystems in Italy 389
Vibrational communication networks: eavesdropping and biotic noise 373
Factors influencing sweet taste in apple 366
An apple a day keeps the doctor away: inter-relationship between apple consumption, the gut microbiota and cardio-metabolic disease risk reduction 364
Plant Hosts of Botrytis spp. 360
Diet and the gut microbiota: how the gut: brain axis impacts on autism 357
Advances in analysis of instrumental food sensory quality data 352
Grapevine Pinot gris virus 348
Determination of soil carbon stocks and changes 340
Multiple services from Alpine forests and policies for local development 337
Influence of storage conditions on the composition of red wines 322
PTR-MS: nuove prospettive in campo agroalimentare dalla versione con analizzatore a tempo di volo 316
Open source GIS 315
Open source Geospatial Foundation 314
L'alimentazione della vacca da latte in alpeggio: fabbisogni e strategie di integrazione alimentare 312
Hydrolyzable tannins: gallotannins, ellagitannins and ellagic acid 311
What makes a biological clock efficient? 310
Qualità del latte e del formaggio d'alpe: caratteristiche sensoriali, tracciabilità e attese del consumatore 306
Spray application in partially closed high tunnels to manage drift in strawberry cultivation 305
Analysis of anatoxin‐a and cylindrospermopsin by Ultra High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry 298
Olive tree genomic 293
Habitat indices for rivers: quantifying the impact of hydro-morphological alterations on the fish community 293
Shaping the human microbiome with prebiotic foods: current perspectives for continued development 292
Historic zoology of the European fallow deer, Dama dama dama: evidence from biogeography, archaeology and genetics 284
Ecology and functional potential of endophytes in bioremediation: a molecular perspective 279
Editing genomico in piante da frutto per la difesa dalle principali malatti 279
Is rodent-borne Ljungan virus responsible for mortality in migrating Norwegian lemmings (Lemmus lemmus)? 275
Shaping the human microbiome with prebiotic foods: current perspectives for continued development 275
Analisi chimico merceologica delle bacche di mirto, dei semilavorati e dei liquori al commercio 271
Marzemino: quale origine? Una lettura genetica 271
Ortotteri 271
Comparative analysis of gene expression: uncovering expression conservation and divergence between Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strains LT2 and 14028S 271
Classificazione viticola del territorio mediante sistemi informativi geografici (GIS) e dati liberi e modelli di maturazione 270
Molecular breeding of grapevine for aromatic quality and other traits relevant to viticulture 269
Grapevine breeding programs in Italy 267
Marzemino: la gestione del vigneto, stato dell'arte 264
A nutritional anthropology of the human gut microbiota 263
Soil carbon stocks and fluxes 262
I terreni trentini in relazione alla coltivazione della fragola 259
Chromosomal hybrid zones in the house mouse 259
Marzemino: il progetto Cavit 259
Metodi chimici per l’analisi delle cianotossine nelle acque di balneazione 254
Progetto “Fermalga”: salvaguardia della biodiversità e della tipicità nelle produzioni casearie delle malghe trentine 254
Forme di svernamento dei funghi dell'esca, fonti dell'inoculo, recettività delle ferite 253
IT08-A Laghi sudalpini 253
I terreni trentini in relazione alla coltivazione dei frutti di bosco 251
An overview of arthropod genomics, mitogenomics and the evolutionary origins of the arthropod proteome 251
The application of Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry to the analysis of foods 250
Mating disruption by vibrational signals: state of the field and perspectives 250
Other phytoflagellates and groups of lesser importance 245
Models for host-macroparasite interactions in micromammals 243
Principi di fisiologia della vite 243
Cropland and grassland management 242
A Machine learning pipeline for identification of discriminant pathways 240
20 anni di ricerca enologica per il Marzemino 240
Gli archivi ambientali nei rock glacier, nelle paludi e nei sedimenti lacustri 239
Criterion 2: Maintenance of forest ecosystem health and vitality 239
Brettanomyces/Dekkera off-flavours and other wine faults associated with microbial spoilage 238
Metabolic biomarker identification with few samples 237
Gestione tecnico-sanitaria della mungitura finalizzata al mantenimento dell'alpeggio delle aziende trentine 237
Active space and the role of amplitude in plant-borne vibrational communication 237
Data treatment for LC-MS untargeted analysis 237
GIS-based data synthesis and visualization 236
Marzemino: risultanze e problematiche enologiche 235
LC-MS untargeted protocol for the analysis of wine 234
Blockgletscherabflüsse im Äußeren Hochebenkar: Hydrologie, Wasserchemie und Kieselalgen 232
Identificación de plagas de chapulín en el norte–centro de México 231
Disseccamento e altri problemi fitosanitari del frassino 229
Health properties of apple and pear 228
Greenhouse gas emissions from temperate European mountain forests 226
Molecular mapping of grapevine genes 226
Soil carbon in Mediterranean ecosystems and related management problems 225
Developing a bioacoustic method for mating disruption of a leafhopper pest in grapevine 223
N2O emission factors for Italian crops 222
Acanthocyclops magistridussarti sp. nov. from ground waters of peninsular Italy, with comments on the intraspecific variability of the antennary basis ornamentation (Copepoda, Cyclopoida, Cyclopidae) 221
Basic guide to detection and monitoring of potentially toxic cyanobacteria 221
Direct injection analysis of fruit VOCs by PTR-ToF-MS: the apple case study 219
Genomic designing for biotic stress resistant grapevine 219
Il settore zootecnico nel programma di sviluppo rurale della Provincia Autonoma di Trento 216
Grape areawide pest management in Italy 215
Spatial and temporal distribution of ozone symptoms across Europe from 2002 to 2014 215
Ground level ozone and its impact on European forests 215
Chemometric strategies in analysis of chromatographic-mass spectrometry data 214
The role of vineyards in the carbon balance throughout Italy 213
Commercial pollination of apple orchards: Val di Non case study 213
Biological control and management of chestnut diseases 212
Open-source tools for environmental modeling 212
Physiology & molecular biology of grapevine stilbenes: an update 211
Differential network analysis and graph classification: a glocal approach 211
Extraction of cyanotoxins from cyanobacterial biomass 210
Analisi della composizione di acque minerali europee 208
Analysis of aroma compounds in wine 207
Totale 28.201

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20205.163 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.334 1.389 989 654 797
2020/202110.867 910 860 558 799 852 1.110 1.235 576 1.264 393 1.293 1.017
2021/20226.575 451 1.439 261 522 312 558 319 809 676 420 541 267
2022/202314.518 354 251 1.088 1.067 1.615 1.950 678 1.335 2.439 989 1.901 851
2023/202411.423 905 939 1.957 1.478 1.075 943 509 485 416 673 593 1.450
2024/20256.854 486 694 422 1.877 746 647 1.572 410 0 0 0 0
Totale 77.892