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Mostrati risultati da 801 a 820 di 1.396
Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autore(i) Tipo File
1-gen-2013 M. Habitat time series analysis to develop flow management criteria in rivers affected by hydropeaking. Vezza, P.; Bruno, M.C.; Carolli, M.; Zolezzi, G.; Endrizzi, S.; Siviglia, A.; Spairani, M. Abstract in Atti di convegno
1-gen-2022 Macrophyte habitat architecture and benthic-pelagic coupling: Photic habitat demand to build up large P storage capacity and bio-surface by underwater vegetation. Teubner, K.; Teubner, I.E.; Pall, K.; Tolotti, M.; Kabas, W.; Drexler, S.-.; Waidbacher, H.; Dokulil, M.T. -
1-gen-2022 Making the best of a hard job: a response to Nakashima (2022) Santini, G.; Abolaffio, M.; Ossi, F.; Franzetti, B.; Cagnacci, F.; Focardi, S. -
1-gen-2014 Makrozoobenthos in Blockgletscher beeinflussten Hochgebirgsbächer/ Macrozoobenthos in high altitude creeks affected by rock glaciers Lösch, B.; Alber, R.; Thaler, B.; Tait, D.; Thies, H.; Nickus, U.; Tolotti, M. Abstract in Atti di convegno
1-mag-2024 Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape Burton, A.C.; Beirne, C.; Gaynor, K.M.; Sun, C.; Granados, A.; Allen, M.L.; Alston, J.M.; Alvarenga, G.C.; Calderón, F.S.Á.; Amir, Z.; Anhalt-Depies, C.; Appel, C.; Arroyo-Arce, S.; Balme, G.; Bar-Massada, A.; Barcelos, D.; Barr, E.; Barthelmess, E.L.; Baruzzi, C.; Basak, S.M.; Beenaerts, N.; Belmaker, J.; Belova, O.; Bezarević, B.; Bird, T.; Bogan, D.A.; Bogdanović, N.; Boyce, A.; Boyce, M.; Brandt, L.; Brodie, J.F.; Brooke, J.; Bubnicki, J.W.; Cagnacci, F.; Carr, B.S.; Carvalho, J.; Casaer, J.; Černe, R.; Chen, R.; Chow, E.; Churski, M.; Cincotta, C.; Ćirović, D.; Coates, T.D.; Compton, J.; Coon, C.; Cove, M.V.; Crupi, A.P.; Farra, S.D.; Darracq, A.K.; Davis, M.; Dawe, K.; De Waele, V.; Descalzo, E.; Diserens, T.A.; Drimaj, J.; Duľa, M.; Ellis-Felege, S.; Ellison, C.; Ertürk, A.; Fantle-Lepczyk, J.; Favreau, J.; Fennell, M.; Ferreras, P.; Ferretti, F.; Fiderer, C.; Finnegan, L.; Fisher, J.T.; Fisher-Reid, M.C.; Flaherty, E.A.; Fležar, U.; Flousek, J.; Foca, J.M.; Ford, A.; Franzetti, B.; Frey, S.; Fritts, S.; Frýbová, Š.; Furnas, B.; Gerber, B.; Geyle, H.M.; Giménez, D.G.; Giordano, A.J.; Gomercic, T.; Gompper, M.E.; Gräbin, D.M.; Gray, M.; Green, A.; Hagen, R.; Hagen, R.; Hammerich, S.; Hanekom, C.; Hansen, C.; Hasstedt, S.; Hebblewhite, M.; Heurich, M.; Hofmeester, T.R.; Hubbard, T.; Jachowski, D.; Jansen, P.A.; Jaspers, K.J.; Jensen, A.; Jordan, M.; Kaizer, M.C.; Kelly, M.J.; Kohl, M.T.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Krofel, M.; Krug, A.; Kuhn, K.M.; Kuijper, D.P.J.; Kuprewicz, E.K.; Kusak, J.; Kutal, M.; Lafferty, D.J.R.; Larose, S.; Lashley, M.; Lathrop, R.; Lee, T.E.; Lepczyk, C.; Lesmeister, D.B.; Licoppe, A.; Linnell, M.; Loch, J.; Long, R.; Lonsinger, R.C.; Louvrier, J.; Luskin, M.S.; Mackay, P.; Maher, S.; Manet, B.; Mann, G.K.H.; Marshall, A.J.; Mason, D.; Mcdonald, Z.; Mckay, T.; Mcshea, W.J.; Mechler, M.; Miaud, C.; Millspaugh, J.J.; Monteza-Moreno, C.M.; Moreira-Arce, D.; Mullen, K.; Nagy, C.; Naidoo, R.; Namir, I.; Nelson, C.; O'Neill, B.; O'Mara, M.T.; Oberosler, V.; Osorio, C.; Ossi, F.; Palencia, P.; Pearson, K.; Pedrotti, L.; Pekins, C.E.; Pendergast, M.; Pinho, F.F.; Plhal, R.; Pocasangre-Orellana, X.; Price, M.; Procko, M.; Proctor, M.D.; Ramalho, E.E.; Ranc, N.; Reljic, S.; Remine, K.; Rentz, M.; Revord, R.; Reyna-Hurtado, R.; Risch, D.; Ritchie, E.G.; Romero, A.; Rota, C.; Rovero, F.; Rowe, H.; Rutz, C.; Salvatori, M.; Sandow, D.; Schalk, C.M.; Scherger, J.; Schipper, J.; Scognamillo, D.G.; Şekercioğlu, Ç.H.; Semenzato, P.; Sevin, J.; Shamon, H.; Shier, C.; Silva-Rodríguez, E.A.; Sindicic, M.; Smyth, L.K.; Soyumert, A.; Sprague, T.; St. Clair, C.C.; Stenglein, J.; Stephens, P.A.; Stępniak, K.M.; Stevens, M.; Stevenson, C.; Ternyik, B.; Thomson, I.; Torres, R.T.; Tremblay, J.; Urrutia, T.; Vacher, J.; Visscher, D.; Webb, S.L.; Weber, J.; Weiss, K.C.B.; Whipple, L.S.; Whittier, C.A.; Whittington, J.; Wierzbowska, I.; Wikelski, M.; Williamson, J.; Wilmers, C.C.; Windle, T.; Wittmer, H.U.; Zharikov, Y.; Zorn, A.; Kays, R. -
1-gen-2017 The management plan of Austropotamobius pallipes in Trentino: priorities for conservation Bruno, M.C.; Endrizzi, S.; Gandolfi, A.; Hauffe, H.C.; Pedrini, P. Abstract in Atti di convegno
1-gen-2000 MAP-TOCEX: misure di umidità del suolo per modelli idrologici Eccel, E.; Toller, G. Articolo in rivista
1-gen-2022 Mapping a European spruce bark beetle outbreak using sentinel-2 remote sensing data Dalponte, M.; Solano-Correa, Y.T.; Frizzera, L.; Gianelle, D. -
1-gen-2016 Mapping invasive plant species with a combination of field and remote sensing data Skowronek, S.; Ewald, M.; Aerts, R.; Warrie, J.; Van De Kerchove, R.; Kempeneers, P.; Honnay, O.; Lenoir, J.; Hattab, T.; Somers, B.; Schmidtlein, S.; Rocchini, D.; Feilhauer, H. Abstract in Atti di convegno
1-gen-2021 Mapping out a future for ungulate migrations: limited mapping of migrations hampers conservation Kauffman, M.J.; Cagnacci, F.; Chamaillé-Jammes, S.; Hebblewhite, M.; Hopcraft, J.G.C.; Merkle, J.A.; Mueller, T.; Mysterud, A.; Peters, W.; Roettger, C.; Steingisser, A.; Meacham, J.E.; Abera, K.; Adamczewski, J.; Aikens, E.O.; Bartlam-Brooks, H.; Bennitt, E.; Berger, J.; Boyd, C.; Côté, S.D.; Debeffe, L.; Dekrout, A.S.; Dejid, N.; Donadio, E.; Dziba, L.; Fagan, W.F.; Fischer, C.; Focardi, S.; Fryxell, J.M.; Fynn, R.W.S.; Geremia, C.; González, B.A.; Gunn, A.; Gurarie, E.; Heurich, M.; Hilty, J.; Hurley, M.; Johnson, A.; Joly, K.; Kaczensky, P.; Kendall, C.J.; Kochkarev, P.; Kolpaschikov, L.; Kowalczyk, R.; van Langevelde, F.; Li, B.V.; Lobora, A.L.; Loison, A.; Madiri, T.H.; Mallon, D.; Marchand, P.; Medellin, R.A.; Meisingset, E.; Merrill, E.; Middleton, A.D.; Monteith, K.L.; Morjan, M.; Morrison, T.A.; Mumme, S.; Naidoo, R.; Novaro, A.; Ogutu, J.O.; Olson, K.A.; Oteng-Yeboah, A.; Ovejero, R.J.A.; Owen-Smith, N.; Paasivaara, A.; Packer, C.; Panchenko, D.; Pedrotti, L.; Plumptre, A.J.; Rolandsen, C.M.; Said, S.; Salemgareyev, A.; Savchenko, A.; Savchenko, P.; Sawyer, H.; Selebatso, M.; Skroch, M.; Solberg, E.; Stabach, J.A.; Strand, O.; Suitor, M.J.; Tachiki, Y.; Trainor, A.; Tshipa, A.; Virani, M.Z.; Vynne, C.; Ward, S.; Wittemyer, G.; Xu, W.; Zuther, S. Articolo in rivista
1-gen-2013 Massive invasion of exotic Barbus barbus and introgressive hybridisation with endemic B. plebejus in Northern Italy: where, how and why? Meraner, A.; Venturi, A.; Ficetola, G.F.; Rossi, S.; Candiotto, A.; Gandolfi, A. Articolo in rivista
1-gen-2018 Matching geographical assignment by stable isotopes with African non-breeding sites of barn swallows Hirundo rustica tracked by geolocation Seifert, N.; Ambrosini, R.; Bontempo, L.; Camin, F.; Liechti, F.; Rubolini, D.; Scandolara, C.; Saino, N.; Hahn, S. Articolo in rivista
1-gen-2010 Mathematical ecology of populations and ecosystems by J. Pastor: Book Review Rocchini, D. Recensione in rivista
1-gen-1997 Matrici organiche compostabili e organizzazione del recupero Silvestri, S.; Favoino, E. Articolo in rivista
1-gen-2015 “MAZE.ROE” project: study of gut microbiota and diet composition of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in the Italian Alps Orusa, R.; Ballardini, M.; Peters, W.E.B.; Crestanello, B.; Girardi, M.; Robetto, S.; Guidetti, C.; Rizzoli, A.; Hauffe, H.C.; Pindo, M.; Cagnacci, F. Abstract in Atti di convegno
1-gen-2023 Measured temporal variations of CO2 concentration and atmospheric emissions in a hydropeaking-impacted river Dolcetti, G.; Piccolroaz, S.; Bruno, M.C.; Calamita, E.; Larsen, S.; Zolezzi, G.; Siviglia, A. -
25-ago-2017 Measurements of the carbon, energy and water balance in an Italian alpine peatland and simulating the vegetation and carbon dynamics in three different peatlands Pullens, J.W.M. Doctoral Thesis
1-gen-2016 Measuring Rao's quadratic entropy (Q) from remote sensing: an open source solution Marcantonio, M.; Ricotta, C.; Rocchini, D. Poster
1-gen-2023 Meiofaunal ecology in harsh environments, a case study in a deglaciating Alpine area Bruno, M.C.; Brighenti, S.; Tolotti, M. -
1-apr-2022 Memory drives the formation of animal home ranges: evidence from a reintroduction Ranc, N.; Cagnacci, F.; Moorcroft, P.R. -
Mostrati risultati da 801 a 820 di 1.396
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