Early releases of the cosmopolitan parasitoid Trichopria drosophilae to control the invasive Drosophila suzukii
2018-01-01 Rossi Stacconi, M.V.; Ioriatti, C.; Grassi, A.; Anfora, G.
EC. Liladownsia fraile y otros ortópteros descritos recientemente
2022-01-01 Marino Pérez, R.; Fontana, P.; Buzzetti, F.M.
Ecological and genetic differences between Cacopsylla melanoneura (Hemiptera, Psyllidae) populations reveal species host plant preference
2013-01-01 Malagnini, V.; Pedrazzoli, F.; Papetti, C.; Cainelli, C.; Gualandri, V.; Pozzebon, A.; Ioriatti, C.
Ecosystem service for farm: a methodological evaluation proposal of the pollination ecosystem service
2020-01-01 Sgroi, F.; Pilati, L.; Columba, P.; Fontana, P.
Ecosystem services for farms: a methodological evaluation proposal of the pollination ecosystem service
2018-01-01 Sgroi, F.; Pilati, L.; Columba, P.; Fontana, P.
Editors foreword
2023-01-01 Fontana, P.; Lo Verde, G.; Malagnini, V.
Effect of a granulovirus larvicide, Madex®, on egg-laying of Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) due to changes in chemical signalization on the apple leaf surface
2013-01-01 Lombarkia, N.; Derridj, S.; Ioriatti, C.; Bourguet, E.
The effect of anthocyanins intake on the evolution of redox genes: a comparative genomics approach using Drosophila
2019-01-01 Riccardo, P.; Paola, B.; ROTA STABELLI, O.
Effect of deltamethrin-incorporated nets on mobility and survivorship of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) adults and nymphs in the laboratory
2020-01-01 Ibrahim, A.; Kirkpatrick, D.; Nixon, L.J.; Ludwick, D.C.; Anfora, G.; Leskey, T.C.
The effect of the sterile insect technique on vibrational communication: the case of Bagrada hilaris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
2023-01-01 Peccerillo, C.; Mainardi, C.E.; Nieri, R.; Fouani, J.M.; Cemmi, A.; Cristofaro, M.; Anfora, G.; Mazzoni, V.
Effect of vibrational mating disruption on flight activity and oviposition to control the grapevine pest, Scaphoideus titanus
2022-01-01 Zaffaroni-Caorsi, V.; Nieri, R.; Pugno, N.M.; Mazzoni, V.
Effects of Aculus schlechtendali (Acari: Eriophyidae) population densities on Golden Delicious apple production
2018-01-01 Simoni, S.; Angeli, G.; Baldessari, M.; Duso, C.
Effects of gamma irradiation on the fecundity, fertility, and longevity of the invasive stink bug pest Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
2022-01-01 Cristofaro, M.; Sforza, R.F.H.; Roselli, G.; Paolini, A.; Cemmi, A.; Musmeci, M.; Anfora, G.; Mazzoni, V.; Grodowitz, M.
Effects of irradiation on biology and mating behaviour of wild males of brown marmorated stink bug using a 6 MV medical linear accelerator
2023-01-01 Roselli, G.; Anfora, G.; Suckling, D.M.; Mazzoni, V.; Vanoni, V.; Menegotti, L.; Fellin, L.; Rossi Stacconi, M.V.; Ioriatti, C.; Cristofaro, M.
Effects of irradiation on the biology of overwintering males of the brown marmorated stink bug
2023-01-01 Roselli, G.; Anfora, G.; Cristofaro, M.; Suckling, D.M.; Mazzoni, V.; Vanoni, V.; Menegotti, L.; Fellin, L.; Rossi Stacconi, M.V.; Ioriatti, C.
Effects of seasonality and landscape composition on pollen collected by honey bees
2023-01-01 Cappellari, A.; Malagnini, V.; Marini, L.; Zanotelli, L.; Tonidandel, L.; Angeli, G.; Ioriatti, C.; Fontana, P.
Effects of seasonality and landscape composition on pollen collected by honeybees
2022-01-01 Malagnini, V.; Cappellari, A.; Marini, L.; Zanotelli, L.; Angeli, G.; Ioriatti, C.; Tonidandel, L.; Fontana, P.
Effetti collaterali della confusione contro le tignole realizzata su ampie superfici
2002-01-01 Mattedi, L.; Mescalchin, E.
Effetti del trattamento a freddo di mele destinate all'esportazione sullo sviluppo e sulla sopravvivenza di Drosophila suzukii
2020-01-01 Chiesa, S.; Sofia, M.; Angeli, G.
Effetto della rimozione della covata e del blocco di covata sull’infestazione da Varroa destructor (Anderson e Trueman 2000)
2015-01-01 Mezzalira, L.; Fontana, P.; Marini, L.
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