Sfoglia per SSD
Do ecosystem services have a biological cost? Ozone and climate regulation by Norway spruce forests along an Alpine altitudinal transect in Trentino, northern Italy
2014-01-01 Gottardini, E.; Cristofolini, F.; Cristofori, A.; Ferretti, M.
Does Fraxinus excelsior pollen load reflect ash dieback infection? First insights from an aerobiological study in Trentino, north Italy
2018-01-01 Gottardini, E.; Cristofolini, F.; Cristofori, A.; Salvadori, M.; Varotto, C.
Draft genome sequence of the nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium sullae type strain IS123T focusing on the key genes for symbiosis with its host Hedysarum coronarium L
2017-01-01 Sablok, G.; Rosselli, R.; Seeman, T.; van Velzen, R.; Polone, E.; Giacomini, A.; La Porta, N.; Geurts, R.; Muresu, R.; Squartini, A.
Early identification of root rot disease by using hyperspectral reflectance: the case of pathosystem grapevine/Armillaria
2021-01-01 Calamita, F.; Imran, H.A.; Vescovo, L.; Mekhalfi, M.L.; La Porta, N.
Ecology and management of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L. syn. Q. borealis F. Michx.) in Europe: a review
2019-01-01 Nicolescu, V.N.; Vor, T.; Mason, W.L.; Bastien, J.C.; Brus, R.; Henin, J.M.; Kupka, I.; Lavnyy, V.; La Porta, N.; Mohren, F.; Petkova, K.; Rédei, K.; Štefančik, I.; Wąsik, R.; Perić, S.; Hernea, C.
Ecology, growth and management of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), a non-native species integrated into European forests
2020-01-01 Nicolescu, V.; Rédei, K.; Mason, W.L.; Vor, T.; Pöetzelsberger, E.; Bastien, J.; Brus, R.; Benčať, T.; Đodan, M.; Cvjetkovic, B.; Andrašev, S.; La Porta, N.; Lavnyy, V.; Mandžukovski, D.; Petkova, K.; Roženbergar, D.; Wąsik, R.; Mohren, G.M.J.; Monteverdi, M.C.; Musch, B.; Klisz, M.; Perić, S.; Keça, L.; Bartlett, D.; Hernea, C.; Pástor, M.
Effects of tree pollen on throughfall element fluxes in European forests
2023-01-01 Verstraeten, A.; Bruffaerts, N.; Cristofolini, F.; Vanguelova, E.; Neirynck, J.; Genouw, G.; De Vos, B.; Waldner, P.; Thimonier, A.; Nussbaumer, A.; Neumann, M.; Benham, S.; Rautio, P.; Ukonmaanaho, L.; Merilä, P.; Lindroos, A.; Saarto, A.; Reiniharju, J.; Clarke, N.; Timmermann, V.; Nicolas, M.; Schmitt, M.; Meusburger, K.; Kowalska, A.; Kasprzyk, I.; Kluska, K.; Grewling, Ł.; Malkiewicz, M.; Vesterdal, L.; Ingerslev, M.; Manninger, M.; Magyar, D.; Titeux, H.; Pihl Karlsson, G.; Gehrig, R.; Adriaenssens, S.; Ekebom, A.; Dahl, Å.; Ferretti, M.; Gottardini, E.
Endemic species in the aerobiome? Evidence from floristic and aerobiological studies in the Italian Alps
2024-01-01 Zemmer, F.; Cristofori, A.; Cristofolini, F.; Gottardini, E.
Enhancing the resilience capacity of SENSitive mountain FORest ecosystems under environmental change (SENSFOR): COST Action ES1203: SENSFOR Deliverable 5
2016-01-01 Broll, G.; Jokinen, M.; Aradottir, A.L.; Cudlin, P.; Dinca, L.; Gömöryová, E.; Grego, S.; Holtmeier, F.K.; Karlinski, L.; Klopcic, M.; La Porta, N.; Máliš, F.; Monteiro, A.; Moscatelli, M.C.; Palombo, C.; Rudawska, M.; Sarkki, S.; Tolvanen, A.; Thorsson, J.; Zhiyanski, M.
Environmental effects on fine-scale spatial genetic structure in four Alpine keystone forest tree species
2018-01-01 Mosca, E.; Di Pierro, E.A.; Budde, K.B.; Neale, D.B.; Gonzalez Martinez, S.C.
Environmental factors, leaf traits and ozone visible symptoms are interrelated in Viburnum lantana
2021-01-01 Faralli, M.; Cristofolini, F.; Cristofori, A.; Ferretti, M.; Gottardini, E.
Environmental-EFFORT: per una migliore comprensione delle relazioni tra indicatori forestali e fattori ambientali. Relazione attività 2015
2016-01-01 Gottardini, E.; Cristofolini, F.
Environmental-EFFORT: per una migliore comprensione delle risposte delle foreste agli stress ambientali: relazione attività 2013
2014-01-01 Gottardini, E.; Cristofolini, F.; Cristofori, A.; Ferretti, M.
Epiphytic lichen diversity and sustainable forest management criteria and indicators: a multivariate and modelling approach in coppice forests of Italy
2020-01-01 Brunialti, G.; Frati, L.; Calderisi, M.; Giorgolo, F.; Bagella, S.; Bertini, G.; Chianucci, F.; Fratini, R.; Gottardini, E.; Cutini, A.
Establishing a link between pollen dispersal, seed production and throughfall dissolved organic carbon (DOC) flux in temperate forests
2018-01-01 Verstraeten, A.; Gottardini, E.; Vanguelova, E.; Waldner, P.; Bruffaerts, N.; Nussbaumer, A.; Neumann, M.; Clarke, N.; Hansen, K.; Rautio, P.; Ukonmaanaho, L.
Estimating ozone risks using forest monitoring networks—results for science, policy and society
2015-01-01 Cristofori, A.; Bacaro, G.; Confalonieri, M.; Cristofolini, F.; Frati, L.; Geri, F.; Gottardini, E.; Tonidandel, G.; Zottele, F.; Ferretti, M.
Estimating tree species diversity from space in an alpine conifer forest: The Rao's Q diversity index meets the spectral variation hypothesis
2019-01-01 Torresani, M.; Rocchini, D.; Sonnenschein, R.; Zebisch, M.; Marcantonio, M.; Ricotta, C.; Tonon, G.
The fingerprint of tropospheric ozone on broadleaved forest vegetation in Europe
2024-01-01 Ferretti, M.; Cailleret, M.; Haeni, M.; Trotsiuk, V.; Apuhtin, V.; Araminiene, V.; Burianek, V.; Cecchini, S.; Dalstein-Richier, L.; Hůnova, I.; Jakovljevi, T.; Kaoukis, K.; Neirynck, J.; Nicolas, M.; Prescher, A.; Novotný, R.; Pavlendova, H.; Potocic, N.; Rupel, M.; Russ, A.; Stakenas, V.; Verstraeten, A.; Vollenweider, P.; Zlindra, D.; Pitar, D.; Calatayud, V.; Gottardini, E.; Schaub, M.
First genome-wide data from Italian European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.): strong and ancient differentiation between Alps and Apennines
2023-01-01 Marchesini, A.; Silverj, A.; Torre, S.; Rota-Stabelli, O.; Girardi, M.; Passeri, I.; Fracasso, I.; Sebastiani, F.; Vernesi, C.
Foliar symptoms on Viburnum lantana reflect annual changes in summer ozone concentration in Trentino (northern Italy)
2017-01-01 Gottardini, E.; Cristofolini, F.; Ferretti, M.
Data di pubblicazione | Titolo | Autore(i) | Tipo | File |
1-gen-2014 | Do ecosystem services have a biological cost? Ozone and climate regulation by Norway spruce forests along an Alpine altitudinal transect in Trentino, northern Italy | Gottardini, E.; Cristofolini, F.; Cristofori, A.; Ferretti, M. | Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
1-gen-2018 | Does Fraxinus excelsior pollen load reflect ash dieback infection? First insights from an aerobiological study in Trentino, north Italy | Gottardini, E.; Cristofolini, F.; Cristofori, A.; Salvadori, M.; Varotto, C. | Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
1-gen-2017 | Draft genome sequence of the nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium sullae type strain IS123T focusing on the key genes for symbiosis with its host Hedysarum coronarium L | Sablok, G.; Rosselli, R.; Seeman, T.; van Velzen, R.; Polone, E.; Giacomini, A.; La Porta, N.; Geurts, R.; Muresu, R.; Squartini, A. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2021 | Early identification of root rot disease by using hyperspectral reflectance: the case of pathosystem grapevine/Armillaria | Calamita, F.; Imran, H.A.; Vescovo, L.; Mekhalfi, M.L.; La Porta, N. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2019 | Ecology and management of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L. syn. Q. borealis F. Michx.) in Europe: a review | Nicolescu, V.N.; Vor, T.; Mason, W.L.; Bastien, J.C.; Brus, R.; Henin, J.M.; Kupka, I.; Lavnyy, V.; La Porta, N.; Mohren, F.; Petkova, K.; Rédei, K.; Štefančik, I.; Wąsik, R.; Perić, S.; Hernea, C. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2020 | Ecology, growth and management of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), a non-native species integrated into European forests | Nicolescu, V.; Rédei, K.; Mason, W.L.; Vor, T.; Pöetzelsberger, E.; Bastien, J.; Brus, R.; Benčať, T.; Đodan, M.; Cvjetkovic, B.; Andrašev, S.; La Porta, N.; Lavnyy, V.; Mandžukovski, D.; Petkova, K.; Roženbergar, D.; Wąsik, R.; Mohren, G.M.J.; Monteverdi, M.C.; Musch, B.; Klisz, M.; Perić, S.; Keça, L.; Bartlett, D.; Hernea, C.; Pástor, M. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2023 | Effects of tree pollen on throughfall element fluxes in European forests | Verstraeten, A.; Bruffaerts, N.; Cristofolini, F.; Vanguelova, E.; Neirynck, J.; Genouw, G.; De Vos, B.; Waldner, P.; Thimonier, A.; Nussbaumer, A.; Neumann, M.; Benham, S.; Rautio, P.; Ukonmaanaho, L.; Merilä, P.; Lindroos, A.; Saarto, A.; Reiniharju, J.; Clarke, N.; Timmermann, V.; Nicolas, M.; Schmitt, M.; Meusburger, K.; Kowalska, A.; Kasprzyk, I.; Kluska, K.; Grewling, Ł.; Malkiewicz, M.; Vesterdal, L.; Ingerslev, M.; Manninger, M.; Magyar, D.; Titeux, H.; Pihl Karlsson, G.; Gehrig, R.; Adriaenssens, S.; Ekebom, A.; Dahl, Å.; Ferretti, M.; Gottardini, E. | - | |
1-gen-2024 | Endemic species in the aerobiome? Evidence from floristic and aerobiological studies in the Italian Alps | Zemmer, F.; Cristofori, A.; Cristofolini, F.; Gottardini, E. | - | |
1-gen-2016 | Enhancing the resilience capacity of SENSitive mountain FORest ecosystems under environmental change (SENSFOR): COST Action ES1203: SENSFOR Deliverable 5 | Broll, G.; Jokinen, M.; Aradottir, A.L.; Cudlin, P.; Dinca, L.; Gömöryová, E.; Grego, S.; Holtmeier, F.K.; Karlinski, L.; Klopcic, M.; La Porta, N.; Máliš, F.; Monteiro, A.; Moscatelli, M.C.; Palombo, C.; Rudawska, M.; Sarkki, S.; Tolvanen, A.; Thorsson, J.; Zhiyanski, M. | Monografia o trattato scientifico | |
1-gen-2018 | Environmental effects on fine-scale spatial genetic structure in four Alpine keystone forest tree species | Mosca, E.; Di Pierro, E.A.; Budde, K.B.; Neale, D.B.; Gonzalez Martinez, S.C. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2021 | Environmental factors, leaf traits and ozone visible symptoms are interrelated in Viburnum lantana | Faralli, M.; Cristofolini, F.; Cristofori, A.; Ferretti, M.; Gottardini, E. | Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
1-gen-2016 | Environmental-EFFORT: per una migliore comprensione delle relazioni tra indicatori forestali e fattori ambientali. Relazione attività 2015 | Gottardini, E.; Cristofolini, F. | Other | |
1-gen-2014 | Environmental-EFFORT: per una migliore comprensione delle risposte delle foreste agli stress ambientali: relazione attività 2013 | Gottardini, E.; Cristofolini, F.; Cristofori, A.; Ferretti, M. | Other | |
1-gen-2020 | Epiphytic lichen diversity and sustainable forest management criteria and indicators: a multivariate and modelling approach in coppice forests of Italy | Brunialti, G.; Frati, L.; Calderisi, M.; Giorgolo, F.; Bagella, S.; Bertini, G.; Chianucci, F.; Fratini, R.; Gottardini, E.; Cutini, A. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2018 | Establishing a link between pollen dispersal, seed production and throughfall dissolved organic carbon (DOC) flux in temperate forests | Verstraeten, A.; Gottardini, E.; Vanguelova, E.; Waldner, P.; Bruffaerts, N.; Nussbaumer, A.; Neumann, M.; Clarke, N.; Hansen, K.; Rautio, P.; Ukonmaanaho, L. | Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
1-gen-2015 | Estimating ozone risks using forest monitoring networks—results for science, policy and society | Cristofori, A.; Bacaro, G.; Confalonieri, M.; Cristofolini, F.; Frati, L.; Geri, F.; Gottardini, E.; Tonidandel, G.; Zottele, F.; Ferretti, M. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2019 | Estimating tree species diversity from space in an alpine conifer forest: The Rao's Q diversity index meets the spectral variation hypothesis | Torresani, M.; Rocchini, D.; Sonnenschein, R.; Zebisch, M.; Marcantonio, M.; Ricotta, C.; Tonon, G. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2024 | The fingerprint of tropospheric ozone on broadleaved forest vegetation in Europe | Ferretti, M.; Cailleret, M.; Haeni, M.; Trotsiuk, V.; Apuhtin, V.; Araminiene, V.; Burianek, V.; Cecchini, S.; Dalstein-Richier, L.; Hůnova, I.; Jakovljevi, T.; Kaoukis, K.; Neirynck, J.; Nicolas, M.; Prescher, A.; Novotný, R.; Pavlendova, H.; Potocic, N.; Rupel, M.; Russ, A.; Stakenas, V.; Verstraeten, A.; Vollenweider, P.; Zlindra, D.; Pitar, D.; Calatayud, V.; Gottardini, E.; Schaub, M. | - | |
1-gen-2023 | First genome-wide data from Italian European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.): strong and ancient differentiation between Alps and Apennines | Marchesini, A.; Silverj, A.; Torre, S.; Rota-Stabelli, O.; Girardi, M.; Passeri, I.; Fracasso, I.; Sebastiani, F.; Vernesi, C. | - | |
1-gen-2017 | Foliar symptoms on Viburnum lantana reflect annual changes in summer ozone concentration in Trentino (northern Italy) | Gottardini, E.; Cristofolini, F.; Ferretti, M. | Articolo in rivista |
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