Sfoglia per SSD
The application gap: genomics for biodiversity and ecosystem service management
2023-01-01 Heuertz, M.; Carvalho, S.B.; Galindo, J.; Rinkevich, B.; Robakowski, P.; Aavik, T.; Altinok, I.; Barth, J.M.I.; Cotrim, H.; Goessen, R.; González-Martínez, S.C.; Grebenc, T.; Hoban, S.; Kopatz, A.; Mcmahon, B.J.; Porth, I.; Raeymaekers, J.A.M.; Träger, S.; Valdecantos, A.; Vella, A.; Vernesi, C.; Garnier-Géré, P.
Bioinformatic approaches for functional annotation and pathway inference in metagenomics data
2012-01-01 De Filippo, C.; Ramazzotti, M.; Fontana, P.; Cavalieri, D.
Bioinformatics methods for the comparative analysis of metazoan mitochondrial genome sequences
2013-01-01 Bernt, M.; Braband, A.; Middendorf, M.; Misof, B.; Rota Stabelli, O.; Stadler, P.F.
Breeding strategy shapes the composition of bacterial communities in female Nile Tilapia reared in a recirculating aquaculture system
2021-01-01 Abdelhafiz, Y.; Fernandes, J.M.O.; Larger, S.; Albanese, D.; Donati, C.; Jafari, O.; Nedoluzhko, A.V.; Kiron, V.
Characterisation of the virescent locus controlling a recessive phenotype in apple rootstocks (Malus pumila Mill.)
2014-01-01 Fernandez, F.F.; Surbanovski, N.; Padmarasu, S.; Evans, K.M.; Tobutt, K.R.; Sargent, D.J.
ChloroMitoSSRDB 2.00: more genomes, more repeats, unifying SSRs search patterns and on-the-fly repeat detection
2015-01-01 Sablok, G.; Mudunuri, S.B.; Patnana, S.; Padma Raju, G.V.; Singh, D.O.; Singh, R.; Popova, M.; Baev, V.; Yahubyan, G.; La Porta, N.
ChloroMitoSSRDB: open source repository of perfect and imperfect repeats in organelle genomes for evolutionary genomics
2013-01-01 Sablok, G.; Mudunuri, S.B.; Patnana, S.; Popova, M.; Fares, M.A.; La Porta, N.
“Clean” genome editing in grapevine (Vitis ssp.)
2018-01-01 Dalla Costa, L.; Moffa, L.; Piazza, S.; Malnoy, M.
Codon usage indicates that amphibians, reptiles and birds are major hosts for Zika and other arboviruses: implications for epidemiology and surveillance
2019-01-01 Silverj, A.; Rota-Stabelli, O.
The complete mitochondrial genome of an 11,450-year-old Aurochsen (Bos primigenius) from Central Italy
2011-01-01 Lari, M.; Rizzi, E.; Mona, S.; Corti, G.; Catalano, G.; Chen, K.; Vernesi, C.; Larson, G.; Boscato, P.; De Bellis, G.; Cooper, A.; Caramelli, D.; Bertorelle, G.
Complete mitochondrial genomes from transcriptomes: assessing pros and cons of data mining for assembling new mitogenomes
2019-01-01 Forni, G.; Puccio, G.; Bourguignon, T.; Evans, T.; Mantovani, B.; Rota-Stabelli, O.; Luchetti, A.
The complete nucleotide sequence of a totivirus from Aspergillus foetidus
2013-01-01 Kozlakidis, Z.; Asensio Herrero, N.; Coutts, R.H.A.
The concordance between RNA-seq and microarray data depends on chemical treatment and transcript abundance
2014-01-01 Wang, C.; Gong, B.; Bushel, P.R.; Thierry Mieg, J.; Thierry Mieg, D.; Xu, J.; Fang, H.; Hong, H.; Shen, J.; Su, Z.; Meehan, J.; Li, X.; Yang, L.; Li, H.; Łabaj, P.P.; Kreil, D.P.; Megherbi, D.; Gaj, S.; Caiment, F.; van Delft, J.; Kleinjans, J.; Scherer, A.; Devanarayan, V.; Wang, J.; Yang, Y.; Qian, H.R.; Lancashire, L.J.; Bessarabova, M.; Nikolsky, Y.; Furlanello, C.; Chierici, M.; Albanese, D.; Jurman, G.; Riccadonna, S.; Filosi, M.; Visintainer, R.; Zhang, K.K.; Li, J.; Hsieh, J.H.; Svoboda, D.L.; Fuscoe, J.C.; Deng, Y.; Shi, L.; Paules, R.S.; Auerbach, S.S.; Tong, W.
Conservation Genetic Resources for Effective Species Survival (ConGRESS): bridging the divide between conservation research and practice
2013-01-01 Hoban, S.; Arntzen, J.W.; Bertorelle, G.; Bryja, J.; Fernandes, M.; Gaggiotti, O.; Galbusera, P.; Godoy, J.A.; Hauffe, H.C.; Hoelzel, A.R.; Nichols, R.A.; Pérez Espona, S.; Primmer, C.; Russo, I.R..M.; Segelbacher, G.; Siegismund, H.R.; Sihvonen, M.; Sjögren Gulve, P.; Vernesi, C.; Vilà, C.; Bruford, M.W.
Conservation genetics of the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) and the common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in the Italian Alps
2014-02-28 Cornetti, L.
Dating the impossible: the origin and divergence of the largest infection on Earth
2017-01-01 Drago, F.; Scholz, M.; Segata, N.; Rota Stabelli, O.
The de novo, chromosome-level genome assembly of the sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) Cv. Marrone Di Chiusa Pesio
2024-06-22 Bianco, L.; Fontana, P.; Marchesini, A.; Torre, S.; Moser, M.; Piazza, S.; Alessandri, S.; Pavese, V.; Pollegioni, P.; Vernesi, C.; Malnoy, M.; Torello Marinoni, D.; Murolo, S.; Dondini, L.; Mattioni, C.; Botta, R.; Sebastiani, F.; Micheletti, D.; Palmieri, L.
The discovery, distribution, and diversity of DNA viruses associated with Drosophila melanogaster in Europe
2021-01-01 Wallace, M.A.; Coffman, K.A.; Gilbert, C.; Ravindran, S.; Albery, G.F.; Abbott, J.; Argyridou, E.; Bellosta, P.; Betancourt, A.J.; Colinet, H.; Eric, K.; Glaser-Schmitt, A.; Grath, S.; Jelic, M.; Kankare, M.; Kozeretska, I.; Loeschcke, V.; Montchamp-Moreau, C.; Ometto, L.; Onder, B.S.; Orengo, D.J.; Parsch, J.; Pascual, M.; Patenkovic, A.; Puerma, E.; Ritchie, M.G.; Rota-Stabelli, O.; Schou, M.F.; Serga, S.V.; Stamenkovic-Radak, M.; Tanaskovic, M.; Veselinovic, M.S.; Vieira, J.; Vieira, C.P.; Kapun, M.; Flatt, T.; González, J.; Staubach, F.; Obbard, D.J.
Divergence and hybridization in sea turtles: Inferences from genome data show evidence of ancient gene flow between species
2021-01-01 Vilaça, S.T.; Piccinno, R.; Rota-Stabelli, O.; Gabrielli, M.; Benazzo, A.; Matschiner, M.; Soares, L.S.; Bolten, A.B.; Bjorndal, K.A.; Bertorelle, G.
DNA barcoding and phylogenetic relationships in marine toxic dinoflagellate genus Ostreopsis based on mithocondrial genes
2013-01-01 Battocchi, C.; Capellacci, S.; Fraga, S.; Aligizaki, K.; Vernesi, C.; Penna, A.
Data di pubblicazione | Titolo | Autore(i) | Tipo | File |
1-gen-2023 | The application gap: genomics for biodiversity and ecosystem service management | Heuertz, M.; Carvalho, S.B.; Galindo, J.; Rinkevich, B.; Robakowski, P.; Aavik, T.; Altinok, I.; Barth, J.M.I.; Cotrim, H.; Goessen, R.; González-Martínez, S.C.; Grebenc, T.; Hoban, S.; Kopatz, A.; Mcmahon, B.J.; Porth, I.; Raeymaekers, J.A.M.; Träger, S.; Valdecantos, A.; Vella, A.; Vernesi, C.; Garnier-Géré, P. | - | |
1-gen-2012 | Bioinformatic approaches for functional annotation and pathway inference in metagenomics data | De Filippo, C.; Ramazzotti, M.; Fontana, P.; Cavalieri, D. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2013 | Bioinformatics methods for the comparative analysis of metazoan mitochondrial genome sequences | Bernt, M.; Braband, A.; Middendorf, M.; Misof, B.; Rota Stabelli, O.; Stadler, P.F. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2021 | Breeding strategy shapes the composition of bacterial communities in female Nile Tilapia reared in a recirculating aquaculture system | Abdelhafiz, Y.; Fernandes, J.M.O.; Larger, S.; Albanese, D.; Donati, C.; Jafari, O.; Nedoluzhko, A.V.; Kiron, V. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2014 | Characterisation of the virescent locus controlling a recessive phenotype in apple rootstocks (Malus pumila Mill.) | Fernandez, F.F.; Surbanovski, N.; Padmarasu, S.; Evans, K.M.; Tobutt, K.R.; Sargent, D.J. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2015 | ChloroMitoSSRDB 2.00: more genomes, more repeats, unifying SSRs search patterns and on-the-fly repeat detection | Sablok, G.; Mudunuri, S.B.; Patnana, S.; Padma Raju, G.V.; Singh, D.O.; Singh, R.; Popova, M.; Baev, V.; Yahubyan, G.; La Porta, N. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2013 | ChloroMitoSSRDB: open source repository of perfect and imperfect repeats in organelle genomes for evolutionary genomics | Sablok, G.; Mudunuri, S.B.; Patnana, S.; Popova, M.; Fares, M.A.; La Porta, N. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2018 | “Clean” genome editing in grapevine (Vitis ssp.) | Dalla Costa, L.; Moffa, L.; Piazza, S.; Malnoy, M. | Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
1-gen-2019 | Codon usage indicates that amphibians, reptiles and birds are major hosts for Zika and other arboviruses: implications for epidemiology and surveillance | Silverj, A.; Rota-Stabelli, O. | Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
1-gen-2011 | The complete mitochondrial genome of an 11,450-year-old Aurochsen (Bos primigenius) from Central Italy | Lari, M.; Rizzi, E.; Mona, S.; Corti, G.; Catalano, G.; Chen, K.; Vernesi, C.; Larson, G.; Boscato, P.; De Bellis, G.; Cooper, A.; Caramelli, D.; Bertorelle, G. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2019 | Complete mitochondrial genomes from transcriptomes: assessing pros and cons of data mining for assembling new mitogenomes | Forni, G.; Puccio, G.; Bourguignon, T.; Evans, T.; Mantovani, B.; Rota-Stabelli, O.; Luchetti, A. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2013 | The complete nucleotide sequence of a totivirus from Aspergillus foetidus | Kozlakidis, Z.; Asensio Herrero, N.; Coutts, R.H.A. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2014 | The concordance between RNA-seq and microarray data depends on chemical treatment and transcript abundance | Wang, C.; Gong, B.; Bushel, P.R.; Thierry Mieg, J.; Thierry Mieg, D.; Xu, J.; Fang, H.; Hong, H.; Shen, J.; Su, Z.; Meehan, J.; Li, X.; Yang, L.; Li, H.; Łabaj, P.P.; Kreil, D.P.; Megherbi, D.; Gaj, S.; Caiment, F.; van Delft, J.; Kleinjans, J.; Scherer, A.; Devanarayan, V.; Wang, J.; Yang, Y.; Qian, H.R.; Lancashire, L.J.; Bessarabova, M.; Nikolsky, Y.; Furlanello, C.; Chierici, M.; Albanese, D.; Jurman, G.; Riccadonna, S.; Filosi, M.; Visintainer, R.; Zhang, K.K.; Li, J.; Hsieh, J.H.; Svoboda, D.L.; Fuscoe, J.C.; Deng, Y.; Shi, L.; Paules, R.S.; Auerbach, S.S.; Tong, W. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2013 | Conservation Genetic Resources for Effective Species Survival (ConGRESS): bridging the divide between conservation research and practice | Hoban, S.; Arntzen, J.W.; Bertorelle, G.; Bryja, J.; Fernandes, M.; Gaggiotti, O.; Galbusera, P.; Godoy, J.A.; Hauffe, H.C.; Hoelzel, A.R.; Nichols, R.A.; Pérez Espona, S.; Primmer, C.; Russo, I.R..M.; Segelbacher, G.; Siegismund, H.R.; Sihvonen, M.; Sjögren Gulve, P.; Vernesi, C.; Vilà, C.; Bruford, M.W. | Articolo in rivista | |
28-feb-2014 | Conservation genetics of the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) and the common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in the Italian Alps | Cornetti, L. | Doctoral Thesis | |
1-gen-2017 | Dating the impossible: the origin and divergence of the largest infection on Earth | Drago, F.; Scholz, M.; Segata, N.; Rota Stabelli, O. | Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
22-giu-2024 | The de novo, chromosome-level genome assembly of the sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) Cv. Marrone Di Chiusa Pesio | Bianco, L.; Fontana, P.; Marchesini, A.; Torre, S.; Moser, M.; Piazza, S.; Alessandri, S.; Pavese, V.; Pollegioni, P.; Vernesi, C.; Malnoy, M.; Torello Marinoni, D.; Murolo, S.; Dondini, L.; Mattioni, C.; Botta, R.; Sebastiani, F.; Micheletti, D.; Palmieri, L. | - | |
1-gen-2021 | The discovery, distribution, and diversity of DNA viruses associated with Drosophila melanogaster in Europe | Wallace, M.A.; Coffman, K.A.; Gilbert, C.; Ravindran, S.; Albery, G.F.; Abbott, J.; Argyridou, E.; Bellosta, P.; Betancourt, A.J.; Colinet, H.; Eric, K.; Glaser-Schmitt, A.; Grath, S.; Jelic, M.; Kankare, M.; Kozeretska, I.; Loeschcke, V.; Montchamp-Moreau, C.; Ometto, L.; Onder, B.S.; Orengo, D.J.; Parsch, J.; Pascual, M.; Patenkovic, A.; Puerma, E.; Ritchie, M.G.; Rota-Stabelli, O.; Schou, M.F.; Serga, S.V.; Stamenkovic-Radak, M.; Tanaskovic, M.; Veselinovic, M.S.; Vieira, J.; Vieira, C.P.; Kapun, M.; Flatt, T.; González, J.; Staubach, F.; Obbard, D.J. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2021 | Divergence and hybridization in sea turtles: Inferences from genome data show evidence of ancient gene flow between species | Vilaça, S.T.; Piccinno, R.; Rota-Stabelli, O.; Gabrielli, M.; Benazzo, A.; Matschiner, M.; Soares, L.S.; Bolten, A.B.; Bjorndal, K.A.; Bertorelle, G. | Articolo in rivista | |
1-gen-2013 | DNA barcoding and phylogenetic relationships in marine toxic dinoflagellate genus Ostreopsis based on mithocondrial genes | Battocchi, C.; Capellacci, S.; Fraga, S.; Aligizaki, K.; Vernesi, C.; Penna, A. | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
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